

所以这一阶段我给大家推荐的是An I can read book (level 1)系列,下面是目录,后面是每一册的主题,都是一些在潜移默化的给孩子树立正确价值观的绘本:
1. Happy birthday, Danny and the dinosaur 分享、友谊2. Danny and the dinosaur 幽默、冒险、友谊3. Sammy the seal 冒险4. The light house children 关怀5. Stanley 勇于改变、爱6. Captain cat 幽默、友谊7. Grizzwold 努力、冒险、幽默8. Chester 不气馁

9. Danny and the dinosaur go to camp 团体生活、幽默

10. Who will be my friends 交朋友

11. Oliver 追求

12. Mine’s the best 炫耀心态 友谊

13. Mrs.Brice’s Mice 关怀,友谊

拿《Who will be my friends》来说,这本书就是教给小朋友们如何去交朋友的。
第二阶段类似第一阶段,推荐阅读的是An I can read book (level 2),level 2每本约30-50页,比上一阶段的20-30页故事长度明显加长。
1.Small pig 家,关怀,追求理想2.There is Carrot in My Ear 大幽默3. Newt 自信4. Two silly trolls 幽默5. Buzby 独立、探险、幽默6. The adventures of snail at school 幽默、冒险7. Harry and the lady next door 幽默8. Oscar Otter螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后

9. Red Fox and His Canoe分享,幽默,追求理想

10.The Fire Cat 爱,关怀,做大事

11.No More Monsters for Me可爱的怪兽,机智,关怀

12.Father bear comes home

13.Little Bear 这4本是描写一只小小熊的

14.Little Bear’s Friend一系列温馨家庭故事

15.Little Bear’s Visit

拿《Small Pig》这本来说,讲的是一只小猪特别特别喜欢泥巴,但是女主人却把它的窝打扫的特别干净。
第三阶段仍是【An I Can Read Book】 Level2系列,但是这个阶段推荐孩子们读这个系列里Arnold Lobel的作品。
Arnold Lobel(艾诺·洛贝尔)是我最爱的绘本作家之一,反在逛书店的时候,看到其书必买,每一本都超超超棒!

Arnold Lobel(艾诺·洛贝尔)


1.Frog and Toad Are Friends2.Frog and toad Together3.Frog and Toad All Year4.Days with Frog and Toad以上四本是以青蛙和蟾蜍的友情为主5. Grasshopper on the Road潜藏哲学意味于故事中6. Mouse Soup 诙谐故事7.Mouse Tales 幽默,诙谐

8.Owl at Home 杞人忧天式的幽默

9. Uncle Elephant 不露痕迹的关怀

Owl at Home

【An I Can Read Book】 Level2

1. Last One in Is a Rotten Egg 勇气,百折不饶2.Clara and the Bookwagon 珍惜,努力,阅读之美3. Inspector Hopper4. Big Max 这两本是以侦探为主的故事5.Here Comes the Strikeout 有志者,事竟成6.The Smallest Cow in the World 想象力,怀念
除了Arnold Lobel的作品还推荐家长们给孩子读【黄色小猴子George】
1.Curious George2.Curious George flies a kite3.Curious George gets a medal4.Curious George goes to the hospital5.Curious George rides a bike6.Curious George takes a job7.Curious George makes pancakes 

下面这个阶段推荐给孩子读的书,仍然是An I canread book(level 3)系列:
1.The grandma mix-up2.Zack’s alligator3.Rollo and Tweedy and the ghost at Dougal Castle *侦探4.A bargain for Frances * 诚实5.The big balloon race*冒险、勇气6.Sam the minuteman *7.The Joina Story Quilt *8.The Golly Sisters Go West* 幽默

9. Hill of fire *

10.The Drinking Gourd* 平等、关怀、追求自由的勇气

11.The long way to the new land *

12.Wagon wheels *

13.The case of the scaredy cats * 男女生的友谊

14.The case of the hungry stranger

15.Kick, pass, and run

16.Buffalo bill and the pony express

17.Harry in trouble

18.Emma’s yucky brother

19.The 18 penny goose

20.Daniel’s duck

21.The golly sisters ride again

22.a bear for miguel

23.snowshoe theompson

24.small wolf

25.Aunt Eater’s mystery Halloween

26.Ghosts * 为鬼故事,幽默有趣,但请考量孩子的接收程度。

27.In a dark dark room *



【知名作家 Judith Viorst 】

1 alexander, who used to be rich last sunday2 alexander, who’s not going to move3 alexander and the terrible, horrible ,no good, very bad day

【知名作家Virginia Lee Burton】

1. Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel* 毅力2.The little house 念旧3. Maybelle the cable car *4. Katy and the big snow * 认真

【知名作家Jan Brett】

1.Ginger bread baby 冒险2.The mitten 分享3.The hat4.Hedgie’s surprise 机智5.Town mouse country mouse 知足常乐6. The wild Christmas reindeer7. Berlioz the bear8. The night before Christmas 幻想

9.The twelve days of Christmas 韵文

10.Who’s that knocking on Christmas eve

11 Funwith the molesons



14.Piggie pie

15.Howmy parents learned to eat

16.Friday night at hodges’caf

17.I’ll fix anthony

18.Sophie skates

19.Click,clack,moo:cows that type

20.Cloudy with a chance of meath balls

21.A pocket full of kisses

22 .The kissing hand

【知名作家 Bernard Waber】

1. Lyle, Lyle crocodile *2. The house on east 88th street * 关怀3. Ira sleeps over * 勇气、面对嘲笑4. Ira says goodbye * 离别、友情

【知名作家 James Marshall】

1. Miss Nelson is back2. Miss Nelson has a field day3. George and Martha

【知名作家 Tomiede Paola】

1. Strega Nona 幽默、守规矩2. Strega Nona meets her match

【知名作家 Bill Peet】

1. Big bad bruce 同理心2. Cyrus the unsinkable sea serpent关怀、慈悲、冒险3.The Whingdingdilly* 知足、面对挫折

【知名作家 william steig】

1.Doctor de stoto2.Doctor de sotto goes to africa3.Zeke pippin4.The toy brother5.Brave irene
