- a christMas countdown
- a COol KiD – LIke me! by HAns wilhelm (childrensbooksforever)
- a DArk DArk Tale
- a friEnd indeed
- a nicKel BuyS a rhyme
- a piece of Cake
- a snowMan JUst naMed bob
- a TAle From The CAre bearS – a sister For Sam (1983) (tinkerhelly)
- a TAle From The CAre bearS – beN’s New buddy (1984) (tinkerhelly)
- a TAle From The CAre bearS – The wiTch Down The street (1983) (tinkerhelly)
- a TAle From The CAre bearS – YOur BEst wisHes Can COme True (1984) (tinkerhelly)
- a Year aT a Farm
- a Year in The world of dinosaurs
- a Year oN a pirAte Ship
- about birthdays
- All thiNgs bright And beautiful
- along cAme Eric
- animals_should_definitely_not_wear_clothing1
- anN’s pictUre-perfEct christmas
- Back to schooL – Cool!
- Back to schOol Cool
- Bear And ROly-Poly
- BEar Hugs
- Bear oN a Bike
- BEar snoRes on
- BEst thiNgs abOut valentines
- britannIca discovEry library 001 me
- britannIca discovEry library 002 me And you
- britannIca discovEry library 003 people And places
- britannIca discovEry library 004 The woRld aroUnd us
- britannIca discovEry library 005 animals
- britannIca discovEry library 006 colors
- britannIca discovEry library 007 shapes
- britannIca discovEry library 008 sounds
- britannIca discovEry library 009 words
- britannIca discovEry library 010 numbers
- britannIca discovEry library 011 Time
- britannIca discovEry library 012 Just For fun
- brOwn_BEar,brOwn_BEar,WHat_do_You_See(小册子打印)
- cat And mouse in The night
- cat And mouse in The Rain
- CAts CAts Cats
- chiCka.chiCka.BOom.Boom
- children of lir
- christmas is coming
- christmas wIth teDdy Bear
- christmas wIth teDdyaBear
- click.clack.moo.crows.that.type
- COme PLay WIth me
- corduroY’s day
- corduroY’s.easTer.party
- corduroY_s easTer party
- coriander The contray hen
- crisPin The terrible
- daVid Goes to school
- diary oF a Worm
- dinosauRs, dinosaurs
- DOeS_a_kangaRoo_HAvE_a_mothEr,_too
- doN’t toUch my Room
- eat your peas
- eleanor
- elfabet
- fiRst Day jitters
- FIve minuTes peace
- frankliN’s schOol Play
- frankliN’s valentines
- frieNds forever
- frighteNed Fred
- Frog and the birdsong
- frog and toad all year
- Frog is Frog
- FRom Head to toe
- go away,big green monster
- gossie
- haPpy halloween
- haPpy thanksgiviNg, biscuit
- harriet And Walt
- hedgehog For breakfast
- hello sunshine
- hiRed Help For rabbit
- Home for The holidays
- how to geT a goriLla out of YOur bathtub
- i doN’t WAnt to go to hospital
- i Wear my TUtu everywhere
- it looKed LIke spLit Milk
- i_went_walking
- JAke baked The Cake
- joE’s car
- joseph_had_a_little_overcoat
- JUst mommy And me
- KIng rollo and The New stockings
- kitteN’s fiRst FUll Moon
- let The maGic bigin
- Lets be frieNds again
- litTle brOwn Bear
- litTle whistlE’s dinNer party
- litTle whistle
- litTle whistLes dinNer party
- little_blue_and_little_yelLOW_pdf
- liVes Get one
- loudmoUth george and The Big Race
- loudmoUth george and The cornet
- loudmoUth geoRge eaRns His allowance
- Mole And BAby Bird
- mooncake
- muMmy_Laid_an_egg
- my friends
- my litTle PonY – a PonY’s Tale (2003) (tinkerhelly)
- Nice or nasty
- nicky
- nooDle man
- noodleman
- OiNk! MOo! How do You do by HAns wilhelm
- ONe, TWo, red ANd Blue
- ONlY a cat
- pajamas
- princEss abigail
- princEss princess
- puPpy Too small
- queen of The Snow
- raggEdy anN’s pictUre-perfEct christmas
- Rain
- Sam bennetT’s New shoes
- scraps
- seven+blind+mice[
- sharing
- snow
- spot’s first easter
- SpoT’s Show And Tell
- stories of santa
- tanGle Town
- teDdy BEar teDdy Bear
- teddybeArs takeThe train
- That is Not santa
- The berenstAin bears and The Big blooper
- The berenstAin bears and The grEen-EYed monster
- The berenstAin bears and The meSsy Room
- The berenstAin beArs forGet thEir manners
- The berenstAin beArs get iN a fight
- The berenstAin beArs get The gimmies
- The berenstAin beArs go to school
- The berenstAin beArs leArn abOut strangers
- The berenstAin beaRs’ New Baby
- The BEst thIng abOut valentines
- The cat in The hat
- The Clow in The GOwn driveS a car with The Star
- The Day it raiNed hearts
- the dorbell rang
- The gingerbrEad Doll
- The grEat valentIne mystery
- The LAst chimney of christMas eve
- The litTle reindeer
- The man Who painTed flowers
- The niGht befOre christmas
- The niGht befOre valentinE’s day
- The popcOrn dragon
- the very hungry caterpillar
- The wedding
- thEre was an Old LAdy Who swalloweD a fly
- the_giving_tree
- tOdAyismonday
- trick or treat
- WHat+daddiEs++mommies+do+best
- What_do_you_do_with_tail_like_this
- WHen i Was little
- when sophie gets angry
- whistLes christmas
- whose mouse are you
- willy the dreamer
- Yes virginia
- YO-yes
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